Wednesday, November 20, 2013

The Sleepless Countdown to San Francisco

A very long time ago, I broke up with Mornings. She would come around and try shining in my window, and I'd close the blinds and shut the curtains to shun her out. To this day, I only tolerate her enough to take my brother to school then come back home and slam her out of my life. This is very very important to know because if you invite me to an event, and it's before 11a, chances are very high that I won't be there. It's not on purpose, I definitely mean it that I'm going once I make the plans with you, but my body just Does Not Respond when I try waking up in the morning! It's like zombie mode on Hard level. In fact, I'll even own up to it, now that I start work at 1:45, I sleep til noon every day. I just happen to wake up around 11:45-ish and don't get out of bed til about 12:15p. lazy? maybe. actually yea, definitely, cuz even though I sleep around 2:30-3a, that's still a TON of hours of sleep, way more than adequate.

Why am I telling you all of this?? because tomorrow is my trip to san Francisco! For those of you that don't know, I won a $500 shopping spree at the San Francisco Bloomingdale's from work and tomorrow is my flight out there. I'm Super Excited!!! I already used my gift card (no taxes and no shipping fees, um yes!) so I'll just be going because heck yea why wouldn't I want a free day out in San Fran??! Where's the problem you ask? I just checked the itinerary.




I have to be at work at SIX THIRTY A.M.! 6:30! It's 1a and I'm just pulling my clothes out of the dryer to see what I'm going to WEAR. What do you wear to Bloomingdale's? I feel like I HAVE to dress up or else I'll look like the poor schmuck that I am, hahaha.....When we get there we'll be meeting the store manager, and having lunch with him too I think. It's very exciting, I've never been in a Bloomingdale's before and from Google images, it looks gorgeous! I'm going to spend the entire time in their clearance section, lol.

Anyway, so to remedy the 6:30a.m. situation, I've decided not to sleep. Why? because I don't have a phone or alarm clock to wake me up at 4:30 so I can be up and ready in time. If I go to sleep right now, I'll literally sleep through any alarm until at least 8a.m. anyway, and it would be WAYYY too late at that point. So wish me luck as I play video games until the crack of dawn for the sake of a free trip to san Francisco. :p

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